Jah man, das nenn ich mal ne Zeitschrift:
bereits heute (um halb eins) kan folgende Mail in mein Postfach:
First of all I must apologize for such late answer.
I'm writing in English (my poor English) - I can not understand German - my
articles are translated to few languages from Polish. I hope You understand
this mail, anyway
http://world.altavista.com/tr can be helpful.
This short description of firmware loading method in my article was a
condensation from drivers docs - exactly from file
linux/Documentation/dvb/firmware.txt in archive linuxtv-dvb-1.1.1.tar.bz2.
You can download it from
I don't have the same DVB card, so I can't check, if it works. But if should,
a least with standard hotplug and DVB drivers in version 1.1.1. SUSE may have
an older version of DVB drivers, but always You can take a look at
file /usr/src/linux/Documentation/dvb/firmware.txt
In this file You can find also description of other - manual - method of
firmware loading - worth a try.
Many people at Linux DVB mailing list reported similar problems with firmware
loading, so searching through
will give some additional hints.
I hope it was somewhat helpful...
So, jetzt muss ich nurnoch schaun obs funktioniert. Aber ich war so erfreut über diesen spitzen Service, dass ich euch das sofort mal posten musste!
Also nochmal großes Lob an LINUX+
Will ja keine Werbung machen
der Felix