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Original von jkunkel
What is the "partion scan"?
If I start with the first cd,
choose "manuell installation"
bind the cciss.o manuelly
and load the existing opperating system.
Now I can finich the installation.
(so I can skip the bootloader and the "partition scan")
But after the restart the systems stops again at "partition scan"
But the bootimage is correct!!!
With this procedure I'm able to boot the system but thats no suiteable solution!!!!
In the past I've had a similar problem with a Suse Linux eterprise Server 8.0 (SLES. I performed an update of the cciss.o kernel driver and kreated a new bootimages (mkinitrd). It solved the problem.
Original von Michael
P.S.: I've seen in your profile, your emailaddress is from german telekom (and you've got a german name). It might be strange/funny, to talk in english language on a german linux-board ...
... and even more if we both are native german language speakers )
Original von ozoon
It is not only a german linux community. Isn't it?
PHP-Quelltext |
1 2 3 4 5 |
if (preg_match("/de/i", $_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"])) {
echo german_answer($_GET['question']);
} else {
echo english_answer($_GET['question']);
You should learn a little more english before braggin' with it...
Original von ozoon
have this message meaned to me?
If it was so: No it is not only "BLAH BLAH BLAH"
Original von ozoon
What is the diverence between "SLES" and normal "sl"?
Sorry I do not even know this. It might be cool when somebody can explain it to me.