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12.11.2003, 16:04

cciss sl9 installation

my Problem:

I've installed suse 9.0 on an compaq proliant dl 380 g3 with scsi array controller
53XX. Booting from cd works fine. But afer the first restart druing the installation my system performs a "partition scan" and doesn't detact any trust.
What is the "partion scan"?

If I start with the first cd,
choose "manuell installation"
bind the cciss.o manuelly
and load the existing opperating system.
Now I can finich the installation.
(so I can skip the bootloader and the "partition scan")

But after the restart the systems stops again at "partition scan"

But the bootimage is correct!!!
With this procedure I'm able to boot the system but thats no suiteable solution!!!!

In the past I've had a similar problem with a Suse Linux eterprise Server 8.0 (SLES8). I performed an update of the cciss.o kernel driver and kreated a new bootimages (mkinitrd). It solved the problem.

hoping for helps and many respons!!!

with best regarts



12.11.2003, 19:23

RE: cciss sl9 installation



Original von jkunkel
What is the "partion scan"?

Well, filesystems usually have a "clean bit".
This is set to "1" if a partition gets cleanly unmounted, and "0" when a partition gets mounted.
So if you shut off your server and a partition hasn't been unmounted, this bit will be "0" the next time you boot.
Now, during the init-process shortly before your filesystems get mounted, a "filesystem check" is performed (have a look into /etc/init.d/boot.localfs).
If the clean bit of a partition indicates that the partition hasn't been cleanly unmounted, fsck will perform a detailed check of the depending filesystem.
And that might be what you call "partition scan" ... (progressbar, percentage of progress)


If I start with the first cd,
choose "manuell installation"
bind the cciss.o manuelly
and load the existing opperating system.
Now I can finich the installation.
(so I can skip the bootloader and the "partition scan")

But after the restart the systems stops again at "partition scan"

But the bootimage is correct!!!
With this procedure I'm able to boot the system but thats no suiteable solution!!!!

Have a look at the shutdown process.
Do any errors occur when unmounting the partitions/disks?
Are they getting unmounted?


In the past I've had a similar problem with a Suse Linux eterprise Server 8.0 (SLES8). I performed an update of the cciss.o kernel driver and kreated a new bootimages (mkinitrd). It solved the problem.

So you've already solved this type of problem once?
Why don't you try the same with this machine?

P.S.: I've seen in your profile, your emailaddress is from german telekom (and you've got a german name). It might be strange/funny, to talk in english language on a german linux-board :crazy: ...
... and even more if we both are native german language speakers :()
Life is like ice cream: enjoy it before it melts!
"If there is (a God), all evidence indicates that He hates me." - Matt Groening



  • »ozoon« ist männlich

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12.11.2003, 19:41

RE: cciss sl9 installation


Original von Michael
P.S.: I've seen in your profile, your emailaddress is from german telekom (and you've got a german name). It might be strange/funny, to talk in english language on a german linux-board :crazy: ...
... and even more if we both are native german language speakers :()

It is not only a german linux community. Isn't it? I think it is funny to speak/write/talk in english because all of us need english everyday maybe in our job or when we use linux.
So it might be no problem for the board users to speak/write english with you.

What is the diverence between "SLES" and normal "sl"?
Sorry I do not even know this. It might be cool when somebody can explain it to me.

with best regarts



12.11.2003, 19:56

RE: cciss sl9 installation


Original von ozoon
It is not only a german linux community. Isn't it?

No problem with that ;)


if (preg_match("/de/i"$_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"])) {
  echo german_answer($_GET['question']);
} else {
  echo english_answer($_GET['question']);
Mit anderen Worten: jetzt sprech' ich schon mit ozoon in englisch :()
Life is like ice cream: enjoy it before it melts!
"If there is (a God), all evidence indicates that He hates me." - Matt Groening



  • »ozoon« ist männlich

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12.11.2003, 20:02

lol stimmt.

But the thread was started in english, and so in this thread "Let's speak english"!!
No problem for me.

:() =D
It is a little bit strange to speak/write in english. but it is okey.

Chucky the Devil

Pianist im Puff

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12.11.2003, 20:07

It should have to mean: "It is not only blah blah. Is it?"
You should learn a little more english before braggin' with it...



  • »ozoon« ist männlich

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12.11.2003, 20:14

have this message meaned to me?
If it was so: No it is not only "BLAH BLAH BLAH"


You should learn a little more english before braggin' with it...

I'm learning english now for nearly eight years, so I think I can speak the language quite well.

cu ozoon


Chucky the Devil

Pianist im Puff

  • »Chucky the Devil« ist männlich

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12.11.2003, 20:22


Original von ozoon
have this message meaned to me?
If it was so: No it is not only "BLAH BLAH BLAH"

You missed the point and didn't understood what I said. This underlines my point of view...
So let's stay talking/writing our native language and everything is fine...


13.11.2003, 11:04

RE: cciss sl9 installation


Original von ozoon
What is the diverence between "SLES" and normal "sl"?
Sorry I do not even know this. It might be cool when somebody can explain it to me.

"Suse Linux Enterprise Server 8" or "Unitet Linux 1 + a Suse Setup CD"

There are no differences. Only servers like apache or sql are preconfigured and activated!!

If you like to install an Oracel database with an sap r3 you must take an certificated OS like SLES8. Without such an OS you don't have any support!!




13.11.2003, 16:46

OK now it's running.

jetzt aber in deutsch:

die yast hat ein fehler im grubskript.
Irgendwie hat sie was verhauen.

grub confdateien händig überarbeiten!!!
und mbr neu schreiben.

fehler lag nicht, wie ich anfangs vermutet hatte an einem falschen kerneldriver oder falschem bootimage (wie bei sles 7 oder 8).

aber nochmals vielen DANK für die Tips

jochen :+++:


13.11.2003, 16:51



ich hab's ja schon geahnt dass Du der dt. Sprache mächtig bist :()
Was mich aber interessieren würde: wieso hast Du Deine Frage in Englisch formuliert?

Life is like ice cream: enjoy it before it melts!
"If there is (a God), all evidence indicates that He hates me." - Matt Groening


18.11.2003, 11:39

RE: lustig


den Beitrag hab ich für ein eng. Board formuliert.
Nächstes mal werde ich direkt hier posten!! (und dann in deutsch)

mfg Jochen

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